All posts by J. Kelsey Jones

About J. Kelsey Jones

Kelsey is a native of Pennsylvania and a graduate of Elmira College. His interest in genealogy and history began at an early age: he joined the Mayflower Society in 1980, the Huguenot Society of America in 1985, and The National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution in 1985. In addition, Kelsey serves on several museum and historical society boards. He has lectured on various topics and written many articles for publications, including Loyalist Plantations on the Susquehanna, Exploring the Wysocton Capture, and most recently Catharine, The Legend, The Legacy, Life Before the Sullivan and Clinton Expedition. His expertise includes the Middle Atlantic States and Loyalist families in Pennsylvania and their relocation to Canada. He lives with his family on a sheep and horticulture farm.

Children in assessment records

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Assessment records are among the least utilized resources in genealogical research. They were developed to support a tax that would fund various functions on a local, town, and state level. Their location and access is often unknown, since many assessment records are not readily accessible online. The typical assessment, other than a person’s name, could include acreage, often distinguished between improved and unimproved land, a house, cattle, horses, oxen, sheep, and other information.

What is included in an assessment can vary widely, as each taxing jurisdiction required different information to be collected. In some instances, occupations, marital status, and other pertinent information could be included. Assessment records can be an important resource to help determine when someone may have arrived in a particular location as well as the wealth of that person. Continue reading Children in assessment records