Dartmouth Quaker records

Apponagansett Meeting House in Dartmouth. Images courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

We recently added a new database to AmericanAncestors.org, Dartmouth, MA: Quaker Records, 1699-1920. This database is a collaboration between the New England Historic Genealogical Society | American Ancestors and the Dartmouth Historical and Arts Society (DHAS).

DHAS has digitized and is transcribing the original record books for the Dartmouth monthly meeting of Friends (Quakers). These transcriptions and the images of the manuscripts will be available on the DHAS website. Much of this content will also be available as a searchable database on AmericanAncestors.org.

When finished, this database will encompass 16 volumes pertaining to the monthly meeting in Dartmouth, covering the years 1699-1920. Currently, the database presents “removal records” from seven volumes. Removal records reflect geographic connections of individuals and families at documented times. Removal records can take three forms: (1) marriage (to someone from a different Monthly Meeting [MM], either at Dartmouth MM or at some other MM); (2) temporarily ‘visiting’ Dartmouth from another MM or going to another MM to ‘visit’; and (3) permanently relocating to the Dartmouth MM from some other MM or to some other MM from Dartmouth. These meeting records provide valuable insight into the lives, travels, and home locations of early New England Quakers.

As we worked to establish this partnership, I asked Robert E. Harding, the DHAS president, to give me some context on why this project is important for researchers interested in the history of Dartmouth. Bob reached out to his colleagues, who provided a wealth of information on the town’s early history. Sally Aldrich wrote a 1987 thesis entitled “The Dartmouth Propriety: Land Ownership in the Township Before 1800.” She provided the following extract, highlighting how geography and religion influenced the early history of the town:

Click on image to expand it.

Few Plymouth Purchasers decided to settle in this region, cut off from Plymouth by a difficult overland trek and the treacherous Cape Cod waters. Nature dictated that Dartmouth should draw from its nearest western neighboring settlements of any size, Newport and Portsmouth, Rhode Island, and Dartmouth maintained commercial and genealogical ties with these communities for a long time afterward. Sailing to Newport was one-third the distance to Plymouth, and infinitely more comfortable. As a consequence, Dartmouth was separated geographically, and thanks to the Quaker influence, religiously and genealogically, though not legally, from the government of New Plimoth. There was little common ground, with either Plymouth or the rest of Massachusetts, which was ruled by Puritans who viewed Quakers as a threat to their ordered building of a “city upon a hill.” Dartmouth actually voted to become part of Rhode Island in 1741, but Massachusetts refused to let the town go.

Richard W. Gifford provided some further thoughts on the history of Quakers in Dartmouth. He explained how many of the early Quakers in Dartmouth came from Sandwich, on Cape Cod. Sandwich is the oldest Quaker meeting in North America; the first gatherings were held in 1657. Travel and associations between Sandwich and Dartmouth continued as the two communities grew.

Richard also discussed the geographic influence of the Dartmouth Monthly Meeting: “The missionary work of the Dartmouth MM was significant, probably nowhere more so than in the outreach to Nantucket. Peleg Slocum, the primary benefactor towards the establishment of the Dartmouth MM (and son-in-law of Christopher Holder) made several trips to the island aimed at converting Mary Coffin Starbuck, on the theory that if they could convert her, the other islanders would follow.”

Dartmouth Quakers frequently migrated and traveled to meetings in Dutchess County … and Washington County, New York[.]

Dartmouth Quakers also migrated elsewhere, leading to the establishment of numerous Monthly Meetings throughout the Northeast and Midwest in the 1700s and early 1800s. Dartmouth Quakers frequently migrated and traveled to meetings in Dutchess County, New York (Oblong MM, Nine Partners, and others) and Washington County, New York (Easton and Cambridge).

Finally, Richard explained some differences between the New England Quakers and the Quakers who came to Pennsylvania. William Penn arrived in Pennsylvania in 1682, more than 20 years after the first Quakers were organizing in Sandwich. Richard says:

The Pennsylvania Quakers were not subjected to the same governmental persecution that the Massachusetts Quakers were. This persecution began in Sandwich, and was a significant, if not the predominant, factor in Sandwich Quakers removing to the frontier of Dartmouth in the 1680s. Then, when Plymouth Colony merged with Massachusetts Bay, the commonwealth began enforcing the “minister tax” upon Dartmouth, leading to resistance and the imprisonment of both Quakers (e.g. Deliverance Smith) and Baptists (e.g. Philip Taber Jr.), who refused to collect the tax.

So, in sum, this new database is an important step forward in making the history of this unique town more accessible to online researchers. Researchers interested in learning more about the history of Dartmouth should visit the Dan Socha Memorial Digital Library at DHAS and consult the Henry B. Worth Papers Pertaining to Old Dartmouth, from the New Bedford Whaling Museum and the Millicent Library, available through DHAS. Additions to our database Dartmouth, MA: Quaker Records, 1699-1920 will be announced on Database News, the blog for the latest database news and announcements from AmericanAncestors.org.

About Molly Rogers

Molly is from York, PA. She studied English and French at Colby College in Maine and has a Master’s degree in Library and Information Science from Simmons College. She enjoys many outdoor pursuits such as whitewater kayaking, mountain biking and cross-country skiing and has a few indoor hobbies like reading, knitting and creating a genealogy website for her grandmother’s family.

9 thoughts on “Dartmouth Quaker records

  1. Molly, thanks for reviewing this upcoming addition to online resources. With 18th century Quaker ancestors that lived in Dutchess County, and Easton, New York, I look forward to their distribution.

  2. Several early Quaker lines I haven’t pinned down. Maybe I looked in the wrong places! At some point just before 1800, one line scattered from CT, first to PA, then west and southward as lands opened up. The other lines, while clearly Quaker, are more mysterious. I am excited to see these records: they could perhaps provide some clues about where they derived and what their migration routes were. At the very least will be fun to explore and learn more about how my early Quaker ancestors lived.

  3. I checked my data base to see what kind of Dartmouth roots I might have. Lots of my Hussey ancestors and relatives were there, having come from Nantucket. Were their many Dartmouth Quakers with Nantucket origins?

    1. I have an old diary (1810-1817) that I believe belonged to Walter Sawyer of Dover, NH. He has short entries for weddings, deaths, church meetings, etc. He also references trips to Nantucket and looking him up online I find he was involved with a Friends school there. Through these entries and references to his family I pretty sure it was Walter’s diary.

    2. Hello Carl,
      Read your comment on American Ancestors and was especially interested in the surname Hussey. I’m currently searching for information on the Christopher Hussey b 1598 d 1685. He apparently arrived from England shortly after the Mayflower landing circa 1623???
      Can you tell me the connection between Christopher Hussey and his mother, Mary Wood b 1571 d 1660 and his grandparents John Wood b 1538 d 1612. and Joan Taylor b 1548 d 1603. I assume Mary Wood married a Hussey but don’t have that name and information. Was Mary a passenger on the Mayflower and if so, what was her surname at the time (1620)?
      I have been searching for my connection to the Mayflower passengers and it currently looks to be through the Husseys.

      1. Pardon my slowness in responding–I apparently let my computer fill in the wrong email address, and your question went to an address I rarely look at. I’m afraid you are ahead of me. I know little about John Hussey and Mary Woods other than birth and marriage info–I don’t even know if they immigrated to north America.

  4. Thank you very much, Molly, for this article! It is full of historical insights relevant to my ancestry. I have a lot of Dartmouth ancestors and knew some were Quakers, but I had no idea of the background you wrote about. I also didn’t know Philip Taber Jr. was a Baptist and that he was imprisoned. Can’t wait to have a chance to dig into this further and you have provided great leads.

  5. Hello, American Ancestors –

    These amazing records contain numerous references to enslaved people and slaveholders. Would you consider indexing these records—especially since they are being transcribed—using the terms “negro” and “slave”? The 1762-1785 transcription has 35 refences to “slave and 40 to “negro.” It would be amazing if your database allowed subscribers to search these records by these terms.

  6. Wonder if the database explores the practice of naming or nomination of their children. It was distinct and followed strigent rules. Children were named only after immediate family members; boys named after their paternal grandfathers, etc. This practice is a valid tool for genealogical research.

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