All posts by Valerie Beaudrault

About Valerie Beaudrault

Originally from New Hampshire, Valerie E. Beaudrault joined the visitor services staff in 2002. In addition to visitor services, she assists in editing NEHGS eNews and in historical and genealogical research related to objects in the Society's object collection. She has a BA from the University of Massachusetts/Boston and an EdM from Boston University. Valerie’s genealogical research pursuits have focused on her family in New England, upstate New York and Quebec. Areas of specialty: New Hampshire, Upstate New York, Quebec with a focus on the Eastern Townships, newspaper research, some southern African American research (Liberty County, Georgia.)

A family treasure

The Parker Richardson house in Methuen. All images courtesy R. Stanton Avery Special Collections

Several years ago, long before the online catalogue, I spent time going through the NEHGS card catalogue looking for materials related to my Richardson ancestors. I came across the card for a manuscript compiled by William S. Richardson. As it turned out, he was related: he’s my second cousin four times removed. We descend from William Richardson of Newbury, Massachusetts, through his great-grandson, Parker Richardson, Sr. Continue reading A family treasure

The fiddling champ of Vermont and New Hampshire

Mortimer Brooks with violin
Mortimer Wilson Brooks

The recent Weekly Genealogist survey about musicians in the family sparked interest from readers, which leads me to share my great-great-grandfather’s story. Two of my mother’s most treasured family possessions are the violin of her great-grandfather Mortimer W. Brooks (1847–1931) and the loving cup he won in 1926. Undoubtedly they are more treasured because she actually knew him and had the opportunity to hear him play. Mortimer Brooks died when my mother was about 4½ years old. As she describes it, he would first pull the piano stool to the middle of the room, face the piano, and then ask her what she wanted him to play. She always asked for Pop goes the Weasel and he was happy to oblige. Continue reading The fiddling champ of Vermont and New Hampshire