All posts by Carolyn Sheppard Oakley

About Carolyn Sheppard Oakley

Carolyn Sheppard Oakley is Editor and Creative Director for American Ancestors magazine. She earned a BA in history from Colby College and enjoys combining her interests in history and design at American Ancestors and NEHGS.

Long perspective

As we focus on the urgency of daily deadlines and details, it’s easy to forget the many moments that have brought us to where we are today. The 175th anniversary of NEHGS has afforded me an opportunity to step back and gain perspective – not only on the expansive history of our organization, but also on my own history as part of it. As I took a break from my normal tasks to reflect on my time at American Ancestors and NEHGS, primarily as creative director for American Ancestors magazine, I was surprised to realize that I am currently working on my eighty-third issue of the magazine! Continue reading Long perspective