I am now looking into cloud storage as another backup option in addition to the second external drive I have.…
On My Technological Nightmare
Yes, I am investigating this as an option now. Will probably be sharing what I learn in a further article…
On My Technological Nightmare
At the time I began using external hard drives it was as a backup and then it morphed into more…
On My Technological Nightmare
I am definitely looking into cloud storage. When I originally started getting TB external drives, the costs were prohibitive. I…
On My Technological Nightmare
Well, we may not actually be cousins because my Child cousinship is via yoour grandmother's marriage to William. But, I'd…
On Child cooks
Any information I store on a cloud is data for a limited use so nothing is backed otherwise. If it’s…
On My Technological Nightmare
Yes to this! I gave up on external drives many years ago for this very reason. I back up to…
On My Technological Nightmare
We should clarify the terminology in this article. This article does NOT describe use of a backup drive, which by…
On My Technological Nightmare
You, and everyone these days, should also have a backup in the cloud. I use Microsoft OneDrive, Backblaze, and a…
On My Technological Nightmare
It’s curious why she wasn’t using a cloud backup service in addition to the external hard drive. I had a…
On My Technological Nightmare