
At last, the cast of Volume 2 of Early Families of New England 1641-1700 is set. See below for a list of all fifty sketches.

The inventory includes five sets of siblings: John and Samuel Carter; Andrew and George Lane; Daniel, John, and Joseph Morse; Joshua and Thomas Scottow (and brother-in-law Robert Winsor); and John and Samuel Sherman.

Three women have sketches in this volume: Mary (Smith) (Glover) Hinckley, Jane (Conant) (Holgrave) Mason, and Amyas (Cole) (Thompson) Maverick, in addition to their husbands: Thomas Hinckley, Nathaniel Glover, Joshua Holgrave, and Samuel Maverick.

Watertown wins the prize for most sketches in a location (7), with Boston next (6). Geographic areas covered a range from Scarborough, Maine, down along the New Hampshire coast (Hampton, Exeter), the “North Shore” of Massachusetts (Haverhill, Ipswich, Newbury, Salisbury, Salem, Haverhill), the Boston “Metro” area (Boston, Cambridge, Charlestown, Dorchester, Noddles Island, Roxbury), the Boston “suburbs” (Woburn, Dedham, Needham, Braintree, Concord, Sudbury, Marlborough, Southborough, Medfield, Sherborn), the “South Shore” and Cape (Weymouth, Hingham, Duxbury, Scituate, Plymouth, Barnstable, Yarmouth, Sandwich), into Rhode Island (Portsmouth) to Connecticut (Wethersfield, Milford, New Haven, Stamford, Stratford, Fairfield). Outside of New England, we have Long Island, New York (Newtown), Woodbridge, New Jersey, and Barbados.

Clearly, I fulfilled my goal of writing sketches that are geographically diverse!

Eighteen principal Individuals had more than one marriage, with many of their spouses also having other marriages.

The most prominent families are probably the Hinckleys and Glovers – Governor Thomas Hinckley and his second wife, Mary (Smith) (Glover) Hinckley, and her first husband, Nathaniel Glover. If I remember correctly, the most children belong to Thomas Hinckley – seventeen by two wives.

If I remember correctly, the most children belong to Thomas Hinckley – seventeen by two wives.

Now, what about Volume 3? As I’ve mentioned before, I am retooling the Early New England Families with the aim of producing more sketches. The categories within each sketch will remain the same, but I will be using cross references to Great Migration Study Project and other Early New England Families sketches, Register articles, etc., rather than trying to make each new sketch “stand-alone.”

Content detail will be constrained. Unless pertinent, wills, deeds, etc. will not be transcribed at length. I will still try to get some of the “flavor” of life into the sketches, but not as many quotations.

Finally, I will be working in clusters of related families/neighbors to best take advantage of common resources. The first “cluster” underway is for the extended family of Lydia (Buckland) (Brown) (Lord) (Dunk) Post of Saybrook. (I wrote a blog about the complications of her family, “Are we having fun yet?”) Lydia will have her own sketch with information on all her husbands (her parents and grandparents are in Great Migration). Husband #2, William Lord, will have a sketch, as will husband #3, Thomas Dunk. Husband #1, John Brown, has been treated in print in several places, so I will probably cross-reference to them. Also, husband #4, Abraham Post, is well treated in an article in the Register.

Essayons (Let Us Try), as the Army Corp of Engineers proclaims!


Volume 2

Daniel Bacon of Dedham, Woburn, Bridgewater, Cambridge, and Needham, Massachusetts

Nathaniel Bacon of Barnstable

James Badcock of Portsmouth, Rhode Island

John Carter of Charlestown and Woburn

Samuel Carter of Charlestown

Thomas Carter of Charlestown

Hugh Clark of Watertown and Roxbury

Jonas Clark of Cambridge

Thomas Cornish of Salem, Massachusetts; Exeter, New Hampshire; and Newtown, Long Island

John Dunham of Plymouth

Thomas Dyer of Weymouth

John Fairbanks of Dedham

Daniel Fisher of Dedham

Nathaniel Glover of Dorchester

Roger Goodspeed of Barnstable

John Grout of Watertown and Sudbury

Mary (Smith) (Glover) Hinckley of Dorchester and Barnstable

Thomas Hinckley of Barnstable

Joshua Holgrave of Salem

John Hollister of Wethersfield, Connecticut

Henry Lamprey of Boston and Hampton, New Hampshire

Andrew Lane of Hingham

George Lane of Hingham

Richard Lowell of Newbury

William Marchent of Watertown and Ipswich

Jane (Conant) (Holgrave) Mason of Salem

Amyas (Cole) (Thomson) Maverick of Noddles Island

Samuel Maverick of Noddles Island; New York; and Barbados

Daniel Morse of Watertown, Dedham, Medfield, and Sherborn

John Morse of Dedham, Medfield, and Boston

Joseph Morse of Watertown, Dedham, Medfield, and Dorchester

Robert Moulton Jr. of Salem

Richard Newton of Sudbury, Marlborough, and Southborough

Thomas Nichols of Hingham

Peter Oliver of Boston

John Pike of Ipswich, Newbury, and Salisbury, Massachusetts, and Woodbridge, New Jersey

Robert Pike of Ipswich, Newbury, and Salisbury

Joshua Scottow of Boston and Scarborough, Maine

Thomas Scottow of Boston

John Sherman of Watertown, Massachusetts, and Wethersfield, Milford, and New Haven, Connecticut

Samuel Sherman of Watertown, Massachusetts, and Wethersfield, Stamford, Stratford, and Fairfield, Connecticut

Thomas Starr of Cambridge, Duxbury, Yarmouth, Scituate, and Charlestown

John Stone of Watertown, Cambridge, Newbury, and Sudbury

Thomas Stowe of Roxbury, Braintree, and Concord, Massachusetts, and Middletown, Connecticut

John Tompkins of Salem

Rev. John Ward of Haverhill

Robert Williams of Boston

Daniel Wing of Sandwich

Robert Winsor of Boston

About Alicia Crane Williams

Alicia Crane Williams, FASG, Lead Genealogist of Early Families of New England Study Project, has compiled and edited numerous important genealogical publications including The Mayflower Descendant and the Alden Family “Silver Book” Five Generations project of the Mayflower Society. Most recently, she is the author of the 2017 edition of The Babson Genealogy, 1606-2017, Descendants of Thomas and Isabel Babson who first arrived in Salem, Massachusetts, in 1637. Alicia has served as Historian of the Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants, Assistant Historian General at the General Society of Mayflower Descendants, and as Genealogist of the Alden Kindred of America. She earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Connecticut and a master’s degree in History from Northeastern University.

33 thoughts on “Essayons

  1. Let Us Try; I recognized it immediately. At the ROTC commissioning, I was commissioned as a 2nd Lt. in the Corps of Engineers by a General who was also in the Corps. As I saluted, etc., he said “Improvise, improvise, improvise.” And he was right.

  2. Good Morning Alicia. I really get lots of info from some of your postings. Thank you for the great info you pass along to us. I have Hinckley, Bacon and one or two other links to your listing here. Many of the previous Ancestors are part of my Ancestry also. Sincere Best wishes for a great FALL of 2018 to you and your family, Paul Morris Hilton

  3. Are the sketches available yet on You are one amazing genealogist, Alicia! (I’m also thinking of the Mayflower research did you for my Parker/Phillips family in the 1980’s…but I can’t say, “You’ve come a long way, baby!” because you did outstanding research then, as well.)

    1. Judy, all but Nathaniel Glover and his wife Mary are online. Those two are being reviewed by Ann Lainhart and should be posted soon. But, as you’ll see below, I’m still one sketch short!

  4. Congratulations, Alicia! You are amazing! Thank you for all your research and writings. You are my favorite genealogist. About five years ago, you responded to my comment, and encouraged me to continue my research to John Alden. My line was a new one and never before proven. Last November, I was presented with my Mayflower certificate for my lineage to John Alden.
    Now my next dream is coming true. I am flying out to Boston on October 13 . I plan on visiting NEHGS for a few days of research, plus visit many historical places. This is the first time I have been to Massachusetts.Any hints on who I might contact at NEHGS, for guidance on research, would be so appreciated. Thank you.

      1. Thank you Alicia and Judy for so much data . I too have Alden links amongst the 15 or so Passenger and Crew links on the Mayflower, The Anne, the Fortune and several other ships that came over the pond over the years. Good luck with the great research. There is much more coming down the PIKE and I cannot seem to keep up with all the great info. Best wishes to all of the gang at NEHGS and all the great members of this group of great friends. Sincerely Paul Morris Hilton

  5. Thrilled to recognize some names from mine and my husband’s trees… Is that Robert Williams of Roxbury? 1607-1693. My father-in-law had Williams for his middle name, a tradition in the family.

    1. Rats, you are right Michael, only 49. I was using Excel’s numbers to count, but forgot that I have column headers, which it counts as 1. Will pull out whomever is fastest to do for No. 50. Ugh. A good reminder, once again, never put me in charge of numbers!

  6. As usual we love your productivity. I too have two or three families in this upcoming volume, can’t wait! You are one amazing lady and we who constantly benefit from your talents applaud you once again!

  7. Amazing woman! May the exercise of your brain cells in this complex work keep you mentally agile for life, Alicia. God bless!

  8. I’ve already cleared up some mysteries relating to John Sherman, as there was more than one early immigrant of that name- and thus so many the children of with similar first names. Can’t wait to see some early Hoyt ancestors on your list!!!

  9. Will there ever be any info on Richard Pinkham of New Hampshire? I believe he was there about 1632 and relatives spread north.

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