Monthly Archives: March 2014

Ways to share your genealogical discoveries with others

Alicia Crane WilliamsThe Early New England Families Study Project has been well received, and I have already had a number of offers from generous individuals who wish to share their research with the project.  I do appreciate the offers, really, but I have to politely decline. Continue reading Ways to share your genealogical discoveries with others

A Research Getaway in Boston

February 2014 Research Getaway consultation
David Dearborn (left) consults with a Research Getaway participant

Genealogy is often a solitary pursuit, and increasingly, one that is conducted primarily online. Last week, NEHGS welcomed 26 members and supporters to our research library in Boston for a program that provides three days of in-depth exploration of NEHGS resources. A preparatory webinar provided an overview of the program and tips for preparing for their research trip, such as searching the catalog in advance; making a to-do list and a research plan; and, most importantly, staying flexible. Sometimes the information we discover about our ancestors takes us in a direction we weren’t expecting. Continue reading A Research Getaway in Boston